05 December 2006

matlab session on my own

To login to ESAT from a remote computer I use Filezilla:
host: login.esat.kuleuven.be
port: 22
servertype: SFTP using SSH2
user: rvandenb
Here I hold the folder 'Thesis', where all the documents are placed.

To give labels to axes:
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');
I tried understanding the command spectrogram, but...
Even the chirp example given by matlab I don't understand. I now try searching google on it.

Found an at first sight, very exciting URL: http://www.nd.edu/~nkottens/
Some other m-files about audio on the mathworks file-exchange also with some effects!

There is a spectrogram function on this site with better visual effect.
I'll study this one in another post

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